Sunday 5 May 2013

Our classmates' campaigns

Here you have links to our classmates' campaigns. They are worth a look!

Finishing the display

We are finishing our display. We have got 12 situations that can happen in any country of the European Union in which we can use the European Health Card. We hope you like it and you don't really have to use it! But...bring it always with you!! You never know...

Sunday 28 April 2013

22and April 2013

We have watched diferent videos to get ideas: " Hot summer " and " Pan Attack ". They are fun too... We are going to make a display with diferent stars, each one with a diferent messege/situation.


15th April 2013
We have met and we have decided to talk about one positive aspect of the EU: The European Health Card. Now we are talking about diferent ways to promote it: powerpoint, display, leaflets,...